Islamic Calendar - Yearly Islamic Events
حدث في التاريخ - حسب التقويم الهجري
Today's date: Monday الإثنين 6 January 2025 | 6 Rajab - رجب 1446 AH
January - Shawwal
/ Dhul-Qa^dah The Small Battle of Badr: It took place in Dhul-Qa^dah, year 3 H. The Battle of Banu Quraydhah: It took place 7 nights before the end of Dhul-Qa^dah, year 5 H. Hajjatul-Wada^ (The Final Pilgrimage of the Prophet): In the year 10 H., the Prophet, Peace be upon him, went to the Honorable Makkah for his final Pilgrimage. That was Thursday, 6 days before the end of month Dhul-Qa^dah. The Prophet did not perform Hajj afterwards. |
February – Dhul-Qa^dah
/ Dhul-Hijjah The Standing on the Mountain of ^Arafah: On the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah. On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah. He died on Friday the 18th of Dhul-Hijjah, year 35 H. He died at the age of 63, three days before the end of Dhul-Hijjah, year 23 H. |
March – Muharram The Beginning of the Hijriyy Year: On the 1st day of the month of Muharram The 10th of Muharram: * On the 10th of Muharram in the year 5 H, the Battle of Dhatul-riqa^ took place. In this battle, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, prayed the Prayer of Fear (Salatul-Khawf ). * On the 10th of Muharram in year 61 H, our Master Al-Husayn (the Prophet's grandson), may Allah raise his rank, was killed in Karbala'. * On the 10th of Muharram (about 3000 years ago), Allah saved Prophet Musa (Moses) his Muslim followers from Pharaoh and his soldiers. |
April - Muharram/Safar The Battle of Khaybar: It took place on Safar 5, year 7 H. The Death of Imam an-Nasa'iyy: Imam Abu ^Abdir-Rahman Ahmad an-Nasa'iyy died on the 13th day of Safar, year 303 H. He died on Wednesday the 27th of Safar, year 589 H. He died at the age of 69 in the city of Beirut, two nights before the end of Safar or Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 157 H. |
May – Safar
/ Rabi^-ul-'Awwal The Battle of Banun-Nadir: It took place in the month of Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 4 H. The Birth of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him): Prophet Muhammad was born on the 12th of Rabi^ul-'Awwal (about 53 years before Hijrah). It took place in Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 15 H. |
June – Rabi^-ul-'Awwal
/ Rabi^ul-'Akhir The Death of Al-Hasan, the son of ^Aliyy, may Allah raise his rank: He died in Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 49 H. or 51 H., at the age of 47 H. He was buried in the Cemetery of al-Baqi^. The Death of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanmbal, may Allah raise his rank: He died on the 12th of Rabi^ul-'Akhir, year 241 H. |
July – Rabi^ul-'Akhir
/ Jumadal-'Ula Battle of Hittin: The Battle of Banul-Qaynaqa^: It took place on the 26th of Rabi^ul-'Akhir, year 2 H. Battle of Banu Lihyan: It took place in Jumadal-'Ula, year 6 H. The Death of Imam Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy, may Allah raise his rank. He died on the 12th of Jumadal-'Ula , year 578 H. He was buried in the Village of Umm ^Abidah in Iraq. The Battle of Mu'tah: It took place on the 15th of Jumadal-'Ula, year 8 H in al-Balqa' in Jordan. |
August – Jumadal-'Ula
/ Jumadal-'Akhirah The Death of Harun Ar-Rashid: He died on the 3rd of Jumadal-'Akhirah, year 193 H. The Death of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah raise his rank: He died Jumadal-'Akhirah , year 13 H. The Battle of the Camel: It took place on the 10th of Jumadal'Akhirah, year 36 H, in which the Caliph, Imam ^Aliyy was victorious. The Conquer of Constantinople: It took place on Wednesday ten nights before the end of Jumadal-'Akhirah, year 857 H. The Ottomann Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih II besieged the City of Constantinople (Istanbul) for 51 days, then conquered it. |
September – Jumadal-'Akhirah
/ Rajab The Battle of Tabuk: It took place on the 10th of Rajab, year 9 H. He died in Rajab 204 H. at the age of 54. He was buried in Egypt. The Death of An-Najashiyy, the King of Abyssiria: Ashamah an-Najashiyy who was a pious Muslim died in Rajab, year 9 H. |
October – Rajab /
Sha^ban Our great Master ^Umar Ibn ^Abdil-^Aziz died five days before the end Rajab, year 111 H at the age of 39. (The night journey and the ascension of prophet Muhammad) On Rajab 27. Ramadan: Fasting the month of Ramadan was ordained in the month of Sha^ban, year 2 H. Battle of Banul-Mustaliq: It occurred in Sha^ban, year 6 H. |
November – Sha^ban/Ramadan In Ramadan, year 8 H., the Muslims under the command of Prophet Muhammad conquered Makkah. The idols in the Ka^bah were destroyed. It took place on the 17th of Ramadan, year 2 H. 14 of the Muslims were martyred, 6 of the Muhajirun (Immigrants from Makkah) and 8 from the Ansar (Companions of al-Madinah). |
December – Ramadan
28 Ramadan the year 92 H. Zakah of Fitr:*..3 ^Idul-Fitr Al-Mubarak: On the first day of Shawwal The Battle of Al-Khandaq or Al-'Ahzab: It took place on the 15th of Shawwal, year 4 H The Battle of Uhud: It took place in Shawwal, year 3 H. In this battle, Hamzah, may Allah raise his rank, (the uncle of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him), died as a martyr. The Battle of Al-Khandaq or Al-'Ahzab: It took place on the 15th of Shawwal, year 4 H The Battle of Hunayn: It took place in Shawwal, year 8 H. |
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