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Islamic Calendar - Yearly Islamic Events

حدث في التاريخ - حسب التقويم الهجري

Today's date: Monday الإثنين 6 January 2025 | 6 Rajab - رجب 1446 AH

Hijriyy Months

Greorian Months (Approximation)
Shawwal / Dhul-Qa^dah =/= January
Dhul-Qa^dah / Dhul-Hijjah =/= February
Muharram =/= March
Muharram/ Safar =/= April
Safar / Rabi^-ul-'Awwal =/= May
Rabi^-ul-'Awwal / Rabi^ul-'Akhir =/= June
Rabi^ul-'Akhir / Jumadal-'Ula =/= July
Jumadal-'Ula / Jumadal-'Akhirah =/= August
Jumadal-'Akhirah / Rajab =/= September
Rajab / Sha^ban =/= October
Sha^ban / Ramadan =/= November
Ramadan / Shawwal =/= December

Today's Islamic Events Reminder

May – Safar / Rabi^-ul-'Awwal The Birth of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him): Prophet Muhammad was born on the 12th of Rabi^ul-'Awwal (about 53 years before Hijrah).


January - Shawwal / Dhul-Qa^dah

The Small Battle of Badr:

It took place in Dhul-Qa^dah, year 3 H.

The Battle of Banu Quraydhah:
It took place 7 nights before the end of Dhul-Qa^dah, year 5 H.

Hajjatul-Wada^ (The Final Pilgrimage of the Prophet):
In the year 10 H., the Prophet, Peace be upon him, went to the Honorable Makkah for his final Pilgrimage. That was Thursday, 6 days before the end of month Dhul-Qa^dah. The Prophet did not perform Hajj afterwards.
February – Dhul-Qa^dah / Dhul-Hijjah

The Standing on the Mountain of ^Arafah:
On the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah.

^Idul-'Adha Al-Mubarak:
On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah.

The Death of Caliph ^Uthman Ibn ^Afan , may Allah raise his rank:
He died on Friday the 18th of Dhul-Hijjah, year 35 H.

The Death of Caliph ^Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah raise his rank:
He died at the age of 63, three days before the end of Dhul-Hijjah, year 23 H.
March – Muharram

The Beginning of the Hijriyy Year:

On the 1st day of the month of Muharram

The 10th of Muharram:

* On the 10th of Muharram in the year 5 H, the Battle of Dhatul-riqa^ took place. In this battle, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, prayed the Prayer of Fear (Salatul-Khawf ).

* On the 10th of Muharram in year 61 H, our Master Al-Husayn (the Prophet's grandson), may Allah raise his rank, was killed in Karbala'.

* On the 10th of Muharram (about 3000 years ago), Allah saved Prophet Musa (Moses) his Muslim followers from Pharaoh and his soldiers.
April - Muharram/Safar

The Battle of Khaybar:
It took place on Safar 5, year 7 H.

The Death of Imam an-Nasa'iyy:
Imam Abu ^Abdir-Rahman Ahmad an-Nasa'iyy died on the 13th day of Safar, year 303 H.

The Death of As-Sultan Salahud-Din al-Ayyubiyy, may Allah raise his rank:
He died on Wednesday the 27th of Safar, year 589 H.

The Death of Imam Al-'Awza^iyy may Allah raise his rank:
He died at the age of 69 in the city of Beirut, two nights before the end of Safar or Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 157 H.
May – Safar / Rabi^-ul-'Awwal

The Battle of Banun-Nadir:
It took place in the month of Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 4 H.

The Birth of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
Prophet Muhammad was born on the 12th of Rabi^ul-'Awwal (about 53 years before Hijrah).

Conquest of Baytul-Maqdis (Jerusalem)
It took place in Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 15 H.
June – Rabi^-ul-'Awwal / Rabi^ul-'Akhir

The Death of Al-Hasan, the son of ^Aliyy, may Allah raise his rank:
He died in Rabi^ul-'Awwal, year 49 H. or 51 H., at the age of 47 H. He was buried in the Cemetery of al-Baqi^.

The Death of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanmbal, may Allah raise his rank:
He died on the 12th of Rabi^ul-'Akhir, year 241 H.
July – Rabi^ul-'Akhir / Jumadal-'Ula

Battle of Hittin:
It took place on the 24th of Rabi^ul-'Akhir, year 583 H.

The Battle of Banul-Qaynaqa^:
It took place on the 26th of Rabi^ul-'Akhir, year 2 H.

Battle of Banu Lihyan:
It took place in Jumadal-'Ula, year 6 H.

The Death of Imam Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy, may Allah raise his rank.
He died on the 12th of Jumadal-'Ula , year 578 H. He was buried in the Village of Umm ^Abidah in Iraq.

The Battle of Mu'tah:
It took place on the 15th of Jumadal-'Ula, year 8 H in al-Balqa' in Jordan.
August – Jumadal-'Ula / Jumadal-'Akhirah

The Death of Harun Ar-Rashid:
He died on the 3rd of Jumadal-'Akhirah, year 193 H.

The Death of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah raise his rank:
He died Jumadal-'Akhirah , year 13 H.

The Battle of the Camel:
It took place on the 10th of Jumadal'Akhirah, year 36 H, in which the Caliph, Imam ^Aliyy was victorious.

The Conquer of Constantinople:
It took place on Wednesday ten nights before the end of Jumadal-'Akhirah, year 857 H. The Ottomann Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih II besieged the City of Constantinople (Istanbul) for 51 days, then conquered it.
September – Jumadal-'Akhirah / Rajab

The Battle of Tabuk:
It took place on the 10th of Rajab, year 9 H.

The Death of Imam Ash-Shafi^yy, may Allah raise his rank:
He died in Rajab 204 H. at the age of 54. He was buried in Egypt.

The Death of An-Najashiyy, the King of Abyssiria:
Ashamah an-Najashiyy who was a pious Muslim died in Rajab, year 9 H.
October – Rajab / Sha^ban

The Death of Caliph ^Umar Ibn ^Abdil-^Aziz:
Our great Master ^Umar Ibn ^Abdil-^Aziz died five days before the end Rajab, year 111 H at the age of 39.

The miracle of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi^raj
(The night journey and the ascension of prophet Muhammad) On Rajab 27.

Fasting the month of Ramadan was ordained in the month of Sha^ban, year 2 H.

Battle of Banul-Mustaliq:
It occurred in Sha^ban, year 6 H.
November – Sha^ban/Ramadan

Conquest of Makkah:
In Ramadan, year 8 H., the Muslims under the command of Prophet Muhammad conquered Makkah. The idols in the Ka^bah were destroyed.

The Battle of Badr:
It took place on the 17th of Ramadan, year 2 H. 14 of the Muslims were martyred, 6 of the Muhajirun (Immigrants from Makkah) and 8 from the Ansar (Companions of al-Madinah).
December – Ramadan / Shawwal

Conquest of Al-'Andalus (Spain):
28 Ramadan the year 92 H.

Zakah of Fitr:*..3
Zakah of Fitr was ordained two days before the ^Id of the year 2 H.

^Idul-Fitr Al-Mubarak:

On the first day of Shawwal

The Battle of Al-Khandaq or Al-'Ahzab:
It took place on the
15th of Shawwal, year 4 H

The Battle of Uhud:
It took place in Shawwal, year 3 H. In this battle, Hamzah, may Allah raise his rank, (the uncle of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him), died as a martyr.

The Battle of Al-Khandaq or Al-'Ahzab:
It took place on the 15th of Shawwal, year 4 H

The Battle of Hunayn:

It took place in Shawwal, year 8 H.

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