:: الصفحة الرئيسية

A brief biogrophy about Shaykh ^Abdullah al-Harariyy

فائدة اليوم:

الشيخ عبد الله الهرري هو العالم الجليل، الإمام المحدث، التقي الزاهد، صاحب المواهب الجليلة، الشيخ أبو عبد الرحمن عبد الله بن محمد بن يوسف بن عبد الله بن جامع الهرري، نسبة إلى هرر وهي مدينة تقع في الناحية الداخلية الإفريقية يحدها من الشرق جمهورية الصومال، الشيبي نسبة إلى بني شيبة بطن من عبد الدار من قريش وهم حجبة الكعبة، العبدري نسبة إلى بني عبد الدار بطن من قصي بن كلاب. ولد في مدينة هرر حوالي سنة 1328هـ- 1910 ر.

Shaykh ^Abdullah al-Harariyy, whose lineage is from the same honorable Arab tribe as the Prophet, the tribe of Quraysh, with diligence and great devotion, peacefully and in sincerity, Shaykh ^Abdullah spreads the correct knowledge from Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet’s companions, and the generations of Muslims after them.

Shaykh ^Abdullah started acquiring the Religious knowledge at a very young age. He memorized the Qur’an by heart and with tartil (reading correctly with tajwid rules) when he was only seven years old. He is a renowned Scholar of Tawhid, Fiqh, and the Hadith.

He learned and mastered many fields of knowledge. These include: the Shafi^iyy Fiqh (Rules of the Religion according to the school of Imam ash-Shafi^iyy), its Usul (the Science of Inferring Rules and Judgments), Nahw (Arabic and Grammar), the Sciences of the Arabic language, Tafsir (Science of Explanation of the Qur’an), Tajwid (the proper recitation of the Qur’an), including the fourteen Qira’at (ways of reciting Qur’an), among others.

He is a Scholar of Hadith (Muhaddith) and of its sciences. He is also an authority in the Fiqh and Usul of the other three madhhabs: Malikiyy, Hanbaliyy, and Hanafiyy. Shaykh ^Abdullah narrates the hadith with continuous chains of narration linked all the way to Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

Among the many prominent narrators of his chains are: Ibn ^Abbas, al-Hasan al Basriyy, ash-Shafi^iyy, Abu Hanifah, Malik, Ahmad, at-Tabariyy, al-Ash^ariyy, al-Maturidiyy, al-Bukhariyy, Muslim, al-Bayhaqiyy, ath-Thawriyy, an-Nawawiyy, Ibn Hajar, at-Tahawiyy, al-Qadi ^Iyad, and al-Ghazaliyy.

Shaykh ^Abdullah’s primary goal is to spread the truth of Islam, by teaching the correct belief of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah, and he works with tenacious determination to reach his goal.

His students have spread through more than forty (40) countries, across six (6) continents. He continues to support the Muslims in acquiring the knowledge and in fighting the deviant factions who attempt to spread misguidance in the name of Islam.

Shaykh ^Abdullah emphasizes the rich and moderate face of Islam—that of justice, truth, trustworthiness, knowledge, generosity, manners, excellence, and sound intellect.

A Message From Sheikh Abdullah

We are a group of Muslims who do not follow a new scheme or an idea that was innovated 50, 200, or 600 years ago. The scheme innovated 50 years ago is that of Sayyid Qutb and Taqiyyud-din an-Nabahaniyy; the one innovated 200 years ago is that of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab; and the one innovated 600 years ago is that of Ibn Taymiyah, from which Ibn Abdul-Wahhab took some of his ideas. To the contrary of their schemes, we are following the route on which millions of Muslims are: that of Ash^ariyyah and Shafi^iyyah. We are Ash^ariyyah in belief, which is the belief of hundreds of millions of Muslims, and Shafi^iyyah in the practical rules.

Imam Al-Ash^ariyy is the Imam of Ahlus-Sunnah who summarized the belief of the Sahabah and Tabi^in. He taught during the third Hijriyy century and died in the beginning of the fourth century. He did not bring except that which is substantiated with mental and traditional evidences. 1200 years have passed on the Madhhab of Ash-Shafi^iyy. We do not deem permissible the assassination of government officials because they rule by the secular law. We are clear of whoever practices this.

The issue of defining the blasphemous sayings is not a new madhhab that we carry. In this issue we follow the Imams of the four Madhhabs as the Hafidh Murtada Az-Zabidiyy said in explanation of Ihya’ ^Ulumid-Din what means: "The Imams of the four Madhhabs showed the sayings of blasphemy in their writings". We are not exploited by any state for any financial aid. Whoever ascribes to us other than this, Allah is his Judge.

Our belief about the Imams of the four Madhhabs, Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy, Imam Malik, Imam Abu Hanifah, and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and the rest of the recognized Imams is that all of them are Imams of guidance; and we follow them.

Conclusion to this article:

Allah Knows Best

More About Sheikh ^Abdullah

صفحة الهرري ::


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