Allah raised the rank of the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, in all aspects.
Prophets' Support
Allah took the allegiance from all the Prophets from Adam to `Isaa to tell their followers to believe in Prophet Muhammad, mercy and peace upon him, and to follow him if those followers meet him, as Aal `Imraan 81 means.
Grand Intercession
• The Hadith-authority Imamus Suyootiyy (d. 1505 CE; 911 AH) said about sooratul Israaˊ, 79:
In some hadith books it was mentioned that a storyteller in Baghdad was speaking about the meaning of the [above] verse. The storyteller said that Allah will put the Prophet on the `Arsh with Him. Imam Ibn Jareerut Tabariyy became extremely angry when he heard that and elaborated at length in rejecting this belief. He wrote [and hung] at the front door of his house a line of poetry:
Allah, the Glorified, needs none amiable
and none on his `Arsh is sedentary inseparable. (Tahdheerul Khawaass min Ahaadeethul Qussaass, Manuscript, 15.)
• Ibn Katheer (d. 1373 CE; 774 AH) conveyed this historical event and said:
A tribulation took place in Baghdad when the followers of Abu Bakrul Murwadhiyy [alHanbaliyy] [d. 888 CE; 275 AH] and common Muslims disagreed about the meaning of the verse [sooratul Israaˊ, 79]. The Hanbaliyy followers said: Allah will make the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, sit with Allah on the `Arsh [which contrary to Islam]. Others said, the verse means that the Prophet has the Grand Intercession [on Judgment Day]. They then fought one another and some of them died as a result ... It is confirmed in Bukhariyy's Book [asSaheeh] that the meaning refers to the Grand Intercession. The Prophet, [on people's behalf,] asks Allah, Who questions the humans and jinn [to move the Muslims interceded for from under the sun]. It is this Rank by which the people ask the Prophet seeking out his help, and it is assigned [only] to him from among all [the Prophets] including [Prophet] Ibrahim. [It is for having this unique Rank,] all the people will greatly appreciate Allah's enormous giving to the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him.
• This authentic hadith of intercession documents that the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, asks Allah on people's behalf. The people's doing to ask the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, is not counted as worshiping the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him.
• Upon people's request, the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, asks Allah's goodness for those who are eligible for his intercession.
Believers' Affairs
Allah made the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, more deserving to manage the Believers' affairs than themselves as the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, is like their father and his wives are like their mothers, as mentioned in sooratul Ahzaab 6.
Seeking the Prophet
Allah made going to the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, whether during his life or after his death, a means for Allah's forgiveness and receiving Allah's mercy as encouraged by sooratun Nisaa' 64.
• Sooratun Nisaa' 64 emphasizes that those who wronged themselves by disobeying Allah would go to where the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, is for repenting to Allah. At the Prophet's spot they ask Allah for forgiveness and ask the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, to ask Allah on their behalf to forgive them.
• By doing that, Allah accepts their repentance, grants them mercy and forgives them.
AshShaamil by Shaykh Ibn asSabaagh, alAdhkaar by Imam anNawawiyy and others narrated this story:
• Muhaddith al `Utbiyy, a famous trustworthy scholar of Hadith, was sitting next to the grave of the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, when a Bedouin came to the grave and gave salaam to the Prophet, peace and mercy about him. Al`Utbiyy heard the Bedouin reciting the verse of sooratun Nisaa' 64 and said addressing the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him:
I came to you seeking forgiveness for my sin and seeking your intercession to Allah.
The Bedouin then said a poem:
O you with the most noble and honorable bones which in the earth were buried
Their fragrance anointed the valleys and the hills; to them it was carried
I offer my best to the grave you inhabited luxuriously
It contains purity, generosity and kindness abundantly
You are the beloved whose intercession one hopes for
When the foot may slip at asSiraat and not reach the Door
I never forget the virtues of your two great companions
My salaam to you all, chases the pen which over the records runs
The man then left.
• Al`Utbiyy said:
My eyes were overtaken and went to sleep. I then saw the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, instructing me and saying:
O `Utbiyy go after the Bedouin and give him the good news that Allah has granted him forgiveness.