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The Prophet's Birth

Started by IslamDefender, 11, 22

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"Every year when the month of Rabi^ al-Awwal appears, it brings with it the fragrant tones and shades of the memory of the honorable birth of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. The birth of the last prophet and best of all creations was a beacon of light shining in the vast desert, spreading throughout the entire world. His birth turned the sun-scorched desert into a garden that leads to Paradise, providing the world with the glittering brilliance of Islam. His message altered the course of the world from prevailing dungeons of ignorance into sparkling gardens of knowledge and belief. Those who followed his message were raised from the pits of sinfulness to the proud peaks of obedience. Those who genuinely follow his message shall be bestowed with the everlasting enjoyments of Paradise. "
From "The Beauteous Fragrances Of Celebrating the Best of the Creations' Birth."