
فـائدة: نحن أهل السنة على ما عليه مئات الملايين من المسلمين اليوم. قال رسول الله عليكم بالجماعة. والله يدافع عن الذين ءامنوا. اللهم انصر أهل السنة أينما كانوا

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We love you, but Muslims don't celebrate Valentines day!

Started by Sayfullah, 02, 14

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Muslims don't celebrate #valentinesday.
Do the halal avoid the haram. (English follows)

تحذير المسلمين من الاحتفال بما يسمّى عيد الحب #فالانتاين.
قال الله تعالى : لا تجد قوما يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر يوادّون من حادّ الله ورسوله ثم إنه في كَثِيرٍ من المرَاجِعِ قيل أنّ ما يُسمى بــ عيدَ الحبِّ هو في الأصل من أعيادِ الرّومَانِ الوَثَنِيّين. وفي بدايةِ نَشأَةِ النّصرانيةِ فيمَا بينَ الرومانِ كان يحكمُ الرومانَ "كلايديس الثاني" الذي مَنَعَ الجنودَ من الزّواج. وتَصَدّى لهذا الحُكمِ مَنْ يُسَمّونَه "القدّيس فالانتين" وكان يُتِمُّ عقودَ زواجِ الجنودِ في السِّر ولما افتُضِحَ أمرُه حُكِمَ عليه بالإعدام ونُفِّذَ الحُكم في 14 شباط 270.وبعد انتشارِ النّصرانيةِ في أوروبا جَعَلوا العيدَ في 14 شباط وأسمَوهُ عيدَ فالانتين إحياءً لذِكرَاهُ وصَارَ من شَعَائرِ هذا اليومِ تبادلُ الوُرودِ الحمْرَاءِ وبطاقاتٍ عليها صُوَرُ "كيوبيد" الممثّلِ بطفلٍ له جَنَاحَان ويَحمِلُ قَوسًا ونشّابًا. فَيَحْرُمُ الاحتفالُ بهذا العيدِ لأن فيه تشبهًا بغيرِ المسلمِينَ ، فَعَن عَبدِ اللهِ بنِ عمر أنّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صلّى اللهُ عَليهِ وسلّم قال:"من تَشَبّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ منهم" رواه أبو داود في سننه

Many references say that the origin of Valentines day goes back to the Pagan Romans. In the beginning of Roman Christianity a king named   kelaidis II ruled the Romans who used to ban soldiers from marriage.

A pope known as "valentine" opposed this so he used to do marriages in secret for the soldiers. When he was exposed he was executed on February 14th year  270. After the spread of Christianity in Europe they made this event as a day to celebrate on February 14th and they called it "valentine's day" to commemorate him by exchanging red flowers and pictures of a child with wings and a bow and arrow.

It's prohibited to celebrate this event because there's imitation to the non Muslims. Ibn Omar narrated that the Prophet of Allah said: "Whoever imitates a people,  is among them". Narrated by Abu Dawud.

It's better to be kind and generous to the poor Muslims and non Muslims which is rewardable instead of giving red roses in imitation to the rituals of non Muslims. >>
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Follow al-Jama^ah; majority of the Ummah and bewarned from the devious sects.


Muslims don't celebrate Halloween, nor take part in it, nor do we say Happy Halloween nor dress up and go trick or treating because participating in  "Halloween" is not the habit of Muslims (likewise Christmas, Valentines and such).

Teach your kids to learn the difference between Muslim and non Muslim events. Raise your kids to learn and love Islamic occasions such as the two Eids, Israa & Mi^raj, Hijrah and Mawlid.

It's prohibited to celebrate this event because there's imitation to the non Muslims.

Ibn Omar narrated that the Prophet of Allah said: من تَشبّه بقَومٍ فهو منهم
"Whoever imitates a people, is among them". Narrated by Abu Dawud.
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Follow al-Jama^ah; majority of the Ummah and bewarned from the devious sects.