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Here's how to Replace Msn Banner ad with Islamic Thiker!!

Started by alsunna, 03, 15

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Here's how to Replace Msn Banner ad with Islamic Thiker Statment

On MSN messenger, if you look below, you will see ads. We can replace that ad with the Islamic ad-picture that I attached, which says: "Uthkurillah, La Ilaha illallah" in Arabic.

Very easy to do this.

Save logo.gif attached in this email, in the folder where messenger folder is. Usually in the following path:
C:\Program Files\Messenger

It will ask you to replace with an old logo.gif, click yes. Done.

Now, notice when you open msn, the first ad is in Arabic saying:
اذكر الله!
لا اله الا الله

Please spread this as email to others!


This is the Image that needs to be saved in C:\Program Files\Messenger folder.

Use this logo: