
The miracle of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi^raj
(The night journey and the ascension of prophet Muhammad) On Rajab 27.

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Warning from Rasulullah

Started by Sayfullah, 09, 06

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Lady ^Aishah said that the Prophet Sallallahu ^Alayhi wa Sallam said: "If you find the people who follow the mutashabih from the qur'an, then those whom Allah said about them {there's misguidance (Zaygh) in their hearts}, so be warned from them" Narrated by al-Bukhariy.

قالت السيدة عائشة رضي الله عنها: "قال رسـول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إذا رأيتم الذين يتّبعون ما تشابه منه (الآيات المتشابهة) فأولئك الذين سماهم الله (في قلوبهم زيغ) فاحذروهم". رواه البخاري
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