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Here's how to Replace Msn Banner ad with Islamic Thiker

Started by The Tech, 01, 27

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The Tech

On MSN messenger, if you look below, you will see ads. We can replace that ad with the Islamic ad-picture that I attached, which says: "Uthkurillah, La Ilaha illallah" in arabic.

Very easy to do this.

Save logo.gif attached in this email, in the folder where messenger folder is. Usually in the following path:
C:\Program Files\Messenger

It will ask you to replace with an old logo.gif, click yest. Done.

Now, notice when you open msn, the first ad is in arabic saying:
اذكر الله!
لا اله الا الله

Please spread this as email to others!

The Tech

This is the Image that needs to be saved in C:\Program Files\Messenger folder.

As for the ads, they come when you go online.

But this ad that we added, is the first that comes up when you open MSN.

Msn enforces you to see their ads WHEN you are online, we just replaced their default ad.

So everytime you log on, the first should be the one you added that says:
اذكر الله
لا اله الا الله

The Tech

You can change that logo.. and you can put whatever you want.
I put something that can benefit me, and gives me reward.

Like this statment, that is a du^a' to be protected.. it's nice to say it before you start your work  

Relplace the old logo.gif with the new attached one that.

The Tech

Use this logo:

Or use this:

And for Msn Background use this:

So Replace MSN banners with Islamic banners. To save these pictures: right click on the picture, choose "Save Picture As" place the picture in the "Messenger" folder (C:\Program Files\Messenger)