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Get Assertive with Your Anger

Started by Sayfullah, 04, 26

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Psychologists suggest that one can control every problem that bother us.

They say:

We are often taught to suppress our anger and
hold it inside. That's not healthy as it can lead to
high blood pressure, depression, and more.

Instead, express anger in assertive and appropriate
ways. Try these tips:

- acknowledge angry feelings. Don't let them
accumulate and lead to a blow up.

- Talk about your anger with a friend or write
about it in a journal. Don't hold onto it.

- Don't act until you've had a chance to cool off and
think about the situation and your response calmly.

- Try to forgive. While it is difficult, forgiveness
will help you to get over your anger and move past it.

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Banish Your Worries and Be Happy

How do you get happy and banish your worries? Try this exercise; it sounds a little funny, but it works!

Name what is troubling you. Picture it as a large weight. Then pick up that imaginary weight and toss it out the window while letting out a big sound.

Did someone help give your that bad feeling? Picture them and tell them that you donìt want that bad feeling. Pick up the imaginary box representing the bad feelings and imagine giving it back to the person. These exercises may sound silly but they are a way of addressing your issues and feeling better.
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Follow al-Jama^ah; majority of the Ummah and bewarned from the devious sects.


They say that:

Perhaps the best way to cope with stress is to learn how to avoid it in the first place. Stress arises when we feel out-of-control. Here are some tips to help you take control and reduce your stress.

My Tip of the Week: Take Control of Your Stress
When you begin to feel tense and overwhelmed, stop what your doing and try to look at your situation from a fresh perspective. Ask yourself, "Why am I feeling this way? If this task doesn`t get done, what`s the worst thing that can happen?" Be realistic. Is it really the end of the world? A year from now, will it be important? All too often we get stressed out over everyday things whose consequences are minimal. Try to look at the "big picture."

Another way to take control is to get more done by using your time more effectively. Make use of wasted time. Carry pocket work--something that you can do while waiting. Whether it`s reading for the train, or flash cards to study. Ten minutes here, fifteen there; it adds up. Plus, cognitive psychology and memory research has shown that we can recall more information if we work and study in short periods rather than long ones, so you just might learn more!

Finally, set aside time for yourself each day. It may not be a lot of time, but even 15-20 minutes of time just for you can help. What do you do during this time? Anything that makes you feel good. Write in your journal, read a magazine, meditate. Some days you might find that you can spare hours and others only a few minutes, but it`s important to make some time everyday for you.
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Follow al-Jama^ah; majority of the Ummah and bewarned from the devious sects.