
The miracle of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi^raj
(The night journey and the ascension of prophet Muhammad) On Rajab 27.

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How to Export Word to PowerPoint

Started by Sayfullah, 03, 01

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How to Export Word to PowerPoint
Demand Media

Microsoft Word and PowerPoint are two of the applications in the Microsoft Office productivity suite. These programs are fully compatible and designed to work in tandem. If you are preparing a business presentation from a Word document, you can export the document to PowerPoint so it can be more suitably presented at a company meeting using a projector. If you open a Word document in PowerPoint, the headings in the document will dictate the way the slides are presented. You don't need any additional software to export Word documents to PowerPoint.

Step 1
Open the document that you want to use for your PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft Word.

Step 2
Choose the default style set. Select all of the text in the document and then click the "Home" tab. Click "Change Styles" in the Styles section of the ribbon. Click "Style Set" and choose the default style.

Related Reading: How to Convert PPS to Word

Step 3
Highlight the text comprising the first heading in your document. This will represent the first slide in your PowerPoint presentation. With the text selected, choose the "Heading 1" style on the Home section of the ribbon to change the highlighted text into a heading. You can customize the font settings if you wish by right-clicking on the "Style Preview" icon and selecting "Modify." Repeat this process for each heading in the document. Remember that each section with a heading will be a new slide in your PowerPoint presentation.

Step 4
Save your Word document. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and click "File," then click "Open." Choose "All Files" from the drop-down box and open the Word document you just saved.

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If you get this error:
PowerPoint cannot read the outline from C:\users\XXX\appData\Local\Micosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\_present.rtf.  No text Converter is installed for this file type.

Do this:
1)save the word doc to a .txt file. // this will remove all formatting, etc. you're left with only text
2)open the .txt, copy and paste all desired text into a new word doc
3)you will need to reapply heading information
4)then resave the new word doc and close it
Now the newly reformatted word doc can be used as an outline for your PP presentation. I hope this works for you as well as it did for me.
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