
:) Don't anyone of you let his heart rest on disdaining the opinion of someone else. Someone may do that because he may be older in age or has more knowledge than the other. Take the companions of the prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, as an example. They cleared their intentions of that.

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Sayings of Sufi Imam Ahmad Rifaa`iy

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Saying of Imam Ahmadur Rifaa`iyy

نَصـَـحَ الشَّيـخُ أحْمـَدُ الرِّفـاعِــيُّ الكبير رضي الله عنه أحَد تَلامِذَتهِ، فقــال له‎:‎‏ يا وَلَـدِي، إِنْ مَلكْـتَ عَقْلًا ‏حَقيقيّـًا مَا مِلْـتَ إلـى الدُّنْيـا وَاٍنْ مَالَـتْ لَـكَ لأنـَّها  خائِنَـةٌ كَذَّابَـةٌ تَضْحَـكُ على أهْلِهَـا، مَنْ مَـالَ عَنْها سَلِـمَ منْـها، ‏وَمَنْ مَـالَ إلَيْـها بـُلِـيَ فيـهـا. هِـيَ كَالحَيـَّةُ لَيـِّـنٌ لَـمْسُهَـا قَاتِـلٌ سُمـُّها، لَذَّاتــُهَـا سَريعَـةُ الزَّوالِ وَأيَّامُــها تَمْضـي ‏كَالخَـيَـالُ، فَاشْغِلْ نَفْسـكَ فيهـا بتَقْـوَى اللهِ وَلا تَغْـفَلْ عَنْ ذِكْـرِهِ تـعَـالَـى‏‎.‎
يا وَلَــدي، إِنْ تَعَـلـَّمْتَ وَسَمِعْـتَ نَقْلاً حَسَـنًـا فاعْــمَلْ بـهِ وَلا تَـكُنْ مِنَ الَّذيــنَ يَعْلَمـونَ وَلا يَعْـمَلونَ. وَالعَـجَـبُ ‏مِمَّنْ يَعْـلَـمُ أنَّـــهُ يَـمُـوتُ كَيْـفَ يَنْـسَـى الـمَوْت، وَالعَـجَـبُ مِمَّنْ يَعْـلَمُ أنَّهُ مُفــارِق الدُّنْيـا كَيْفَ يَنْـكَبُّ عَليْها ‏وَيَقْـطَـعُ أيَّـامـَهُ بِـمَحـَبَّـتِـها‎.‎
ضَيَّعْـتُـمُ الأوْقاتَ باللَّهْـوِ وَالنِّـسْـيَـانِ وَقَـطَعْـتُـمُ الأيَّـامَ بالغَفْـلَـةِ وَالعِصْيَـانِ، مِـزاحُكُمْ مزاحَ مَنْ أَمِـِنَ النَّدامَةَ ‏وَلَهْـوُكُـمْ لَهْـوُ مَنْ لَمْ يَسْمَـعُ بيَـوْمِ القِـيَـامَـةِ، كَأنَّـكُم إلى الـقُـبُورِ لا تَنْـظُـرونَ وَبِمَـنْ سَكَنَـهَـا لا تَعْـتَـبِـرُون‎.‎
يا وَلَـدِي، مَــا أَكَلْـتَــهُ تـُفْـنِيـهِ وَمَـا لَـبِسْـتَـهُ تـُبْـليـهِ وَالرُّجُــوعُ إلـى اللَّـــهِ حَتْـمٌ مَقْـضِـــيٌّ وَفـراقُ الأحِـبَّـةِ ‏وَعْـدٌ مَأْتِـيٌ، الدُّنْـيَـا أَوَّلُـهـا ضَعْـفٌ وَفُـتُـور وَآخِــرُهَـا مَـوْتٌ وَقُــبُــور‎.‎‏ نفعنا الله بكلام القطب الرفاعي، آمين
أخي انشره وفق الله كاتبه وناشره وعافانا وختم لنا ولمن قال ءامين بخير، ءامين ‏‎
قال الإمام أبو حنيفة رضي الله عنه: الله تعالى موجود بلا كيف ولا مكان‎.

The great Imam Ahamdur Rifaa`iyy, may Allah raise his rank, advised one of his students and said:

O my son, if you possess real intellect you would never turn towards this Life even if it turns towards you, because it is deceitful, a liar and misleads its followers.

The one who turns away from it is saved from it and the one who turns towards it is inflicted with what it has.

It is like a serpent, soft when touched but deadly is its poison.

Its pleasure vanishes fast and its days pass like a shadow.

Keep yourself busy by fearing Allah and do not ignore remembering Allah, the Exalted.

O my son, when you learn and hear an authentic quote apply it and don't be like those who learn and do not apply.

One wonders of those who know that they will die, yet they forget death.

One wonders of those who know they are departing this life, yet they throw themselves on it and pass their days embracing it.

You wasted time by amusement and forgetfulness.

You dissipated the days and nights by thoughtlessness and disobedience.

Your joke is like those who have secured against regret and your entertainment is like those who did not hear about the Day of Judgment.

As if you do not look at the graves and do not consider those who inhabited them.

O my son, what you ate, you wiped out and what you wore, you torn.   

To be resurrected by Allah is a definite matter and preordained and to depart the beloved is coming as it was promised.

This Life's begins by weakness and sluggishness and ends by death and graves.