Quiz 1
1.Q: What is the Personal Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion, Islam
2.Q: Who is the accountable person (Mukallaf) who is obligated to embrace Islam and work according to its rules (Shari^ah)?
5.Q: Speak about the merit of the knowledge of Tawhid over other types of knowledge.
7.Q: State the proof for the Existence of Allah
10.Q: What is the meaning of the attribute of Allah the indivisible (al-Ahad)?
11.Q; What is the meaning of (al-Awwal) and eternal (al-Qadim)?
13.Q: What is the meaning of without an end (Qayyum) when attributed to Allah?
18.Q: What is al-Qadir when attributed to Allah?
19.Q: Mention the categories of the mental judgments.
21.Q: Give a brief explanation of the statement: “ Whatever Allah willed to be shall be and whatever Allah did not will to be shall not be “.