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Our Master Zakariyah Peace be upon him
April 29, 2023

Our Master Zakariyah Peace be upon him

It was narrated that Lady Mariams father, ^Imran the son of Mathan, was a Muslim scholar from the descendants of prophet Ya^qub (Jacob), also known as Prophet Israel. ^Imran married Hannah the daughter of Faqoudh and she bore him a
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Mujtahids Ranks in Islam
April 29, 2023

Mujtahids Ranks in Islam

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad. Brothers and Sisters, We urge you, as we urge ourselves, to be obedient to Allah, the Exalted, to remain steadfast on the path of Prophet
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Our Imam Muhammad Ibn Idris ash-Shafi^iyy
April 29, 2023

Our Imam Muhammad Ibn Idris ash-Shafi^iyy

Imam, Muhammad Ibn Idris ash-Shafi^iyy, was born in Gazza around 150 A.H. His lineage meets with the Prophet’s one at ^Abdu Manaf, the Prophet’s great grandfather. His father died when he was very young, leaving him and his mother in utter poverty.
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The Importance of Prayer
April 29, 2023

The Importance of Prayer

We start in the name of Allah, Most Merciful and Forgiving of all those who show mercy and forgive, All praise is due to Allah, whom everything in the earth and the heavens glorifies, and all signs in the universe
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شرح حديث جبريل عن يوم القيامة – 2
April 29, 2023

شرح حديث جبريل عن يوم القيامة – 2

قال عليه الصلاةُ والسلام: ” واليَوْمِ الآخِرِ “:  وهو يوم القيامة ويَجِبُ الإيمانُ بِهِ، اللهُ أَعَدهُ يجمع به الناس، متى يكون يوم القيامة؟ اللهُ ما أطْلَعَ  أحد، جبريل سَأَلَ النبيِّ: متى الساعة؟ فقال: ما المسئولُ عنها بأعلَمَ مِنَ السَائِلِ، معناه
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