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How Jessica Became Muslim
April 29, 2023

How Jessica Became Muslim

Jessica’s Testimonial: Assallamau alaykum, My name’s Jessica. I’m an Australian Muslim convert. I became a Muslim in March 2006. I’d met a Muslim in mid 2005, and after finding a few books on Islam lying around their house (mostly aimed for children so
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Hiding Other’s Mistake
April 29, 2023

Hiding Other’s Mistake

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, may Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, his kind Al and Companions. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Prepare for Judgment Day. Accumulate your deeds of obedience to Allah in
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Explaining Hadith Jibril شرح حديث جبريل عن الإيمان
April 29, 2023

Explaining Hadith Jibril شرح حديث جبريل عن الإيمان

الحَمْدُ للهِ ربِّ العالمينَ لهُ النِّعمةُ وله الفضلُ ولهُ الثَّناءُ الحسن صلواتُ اللهِ البَرِّ الرحيمِ والملائِكةِ المُقرَّبينَ على سيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أشرفِ المرسلينَ وحبيبِ ربِّ العالمينَ وعلى جميعِ إخوانِهِ منَ النَّبييّنَ والمُرسلينَ وءالِ كُلٍّ والصَّالحينَ وسلامُ اللهِ عليهِمْ أجمعينَ. أمّا بعدُ،
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The Story of ^uzayr عزير
April 29, 2023

The Story of ^uzayr عزير

The story of ^uzayr (عزير) ”4 From the Series of the Honorable Qur’an” ^Uzayr, whose story was briefly mentioned in the Qur’an, was a pious Muslim from the descendents of Prophet Israel i.e. Ya^qub. We bring you his story in
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