April 29, 2023

Poem – Who brought down the rain?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبعد،

Who brought down the rain? and flooded the rivers? and produced the plants in rocks and mountains?

Who inspired the bird in the air to fly? and who flowed the streams, rivers, and waterfalls?

Who enabled the tongue to talk? and taught the human, and created the worlds? and He has no similitude (none like Him)?

My great Lord, God. Who else created the universe but Him!

He is the creator of place, He is the creator of time, He is the creator of the worlds, and the creator of the humans.

He is the creator of place, and the creator of the humans.

How strange it is to disobey the Lord, or how the atheist disbelieves in Him!!

While in everything there is a sign, that indicates that He is One God (without a partner).

How strange it is to disobey the Lord, or how the atheist disbelieves in Him, while in everything there is a sign, that indicates that He is One God (without a partner).

And in every movement of the creations there’s a sign, and in every motionless that exists (signifies the existence of God; Allah, the creator of all creations).

So how strange it is to disobey the Lord, or how the atheist disbelieves in Him, while in everything there’s a sign that indicates that He is the One God.

And in every movement of the creations there’s a sign, and in every motionless that exists (signifies the existence of God; Allah, the creator of all creations).

It is Allah, God.

Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, God.

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